Trojan Storage Blog

17 Aug

A Guide To Moving With Pets

According to a survey published in Scientific American Mind, a whopping 90% of pet owners consider their pet to be a member of their family. Therefore, it isn’t all too surprising that humans want to go the extra mile for their pet during a big move. The moving process and change of scenery can often...

Latest from Trojan Storage
17 Mar
A father and his sons hanging a picture in their new home.
3 Tips To Make Your Move With Kids Easier

Moving is exhausting, and moving with kids adds another hurdle. You’ll need to take the necessary steps to communicate and understand what your children need during the move. You’ll reduce more stress and allow the kids to join in the excitement. Let our team at Trojan Storage show how to make moving easier while caring...

15 Jan
United States tax forms, a calculator, and a pen spread across a wooden table for tax season.
Preparing Yourself for the Upcoming Tax Season

Tax season is here, and you’ll need to be prepared and organized to get the best return. When you need help making your tax season as seamless as possible, allow our team at Trojan Storage to help with a practical guide for this year’s tax season. When Are Taxes Due? Every year, taxes are due...

10 Dec
A happy family surrounded by boxes sits on their new house's front steps.
Moving Into Your First Home

Moving into your first home is a source of joy and pride, but it’s also an overwhelming task that offers unique challenges. With a few helpful tips from Trojan Storage, you can master the art of moving on your first go-around and relieve stress. Let our team show you how to streamline your move from...

20 Nov
Woman placing items inside her fridge to maximize organization.
6 Tips on How To Organize Your Fridge for Food Safety

Simply cramming your food into your fridge creates clutter that can easily be avoided. You can keep food fresh using simple tips and tricks while practicing good fridge organization. This guide from Trojan Storage will offer practical advice on how to organize your fridge shelves to prioritize food freshness and safety. 1. Use Clear Containers...

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